
Growth Through Celibacy

9/7/2020 made a year of me being celibate! Whoop whoop! Now if you would’ve told me at the beginning of last year I would be celibate for a year I probably would’ve laughed at you, but I made it and I’m so proud of myself (pats self on the back). This journey has been liberating and much needed. I’ve been learning so much about myself and it’s open my eyes a lot. I’ve grown closer to God and I’m excited to see where this journey goes.

The most important thing this journey has taught me is my worth. At one point in life I found my worth in having sex. I felt if a man wanted to have sex with me that made me beautiful, attractive, etc. but after the act I would feel so empty. That’s bc I was trying to fill voids in my heart with men that only God could fill. I was needing to run to Him but instead I was running to a bed. I was looking to be validated by man when in actuality I had already been chosen by God and that’s all I really needed. He loves me flaws and all where man will kick me to the side for having a bad hair day. 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 tells us to RUN not tip toe away from sexual sin and that sexual immorality is a sin against our own body. Our body is the temple in which the Holy Spirit lives so when we sin sexually it’s disrupting His home. Once I understood that it made it easier for me not to give into my flesh. It just wasn’t worth it anymore.

Another thing this celibacy journey has taught me is that sex can really blind you from people’s true character. When you take sex out the picture you realize how dumb, annoying, and just unattractive some people are. I know that may sound mean, but hey it is what it is. A guy can be a true butt or a female can be a straight air head, but their sex is “amazing” so you just overlook it. But I PROMISE YOU if you take sex out the equation and start to REALLY get to know a person you’ll be thinking “what the hell did I ever see in this person”.

One other thing I’ve learned is that Soul ties are REAL! Sex isn’t just connecting with someone physically but you also connect with them spiritually and emotionally. We can try and convince ourselves all we want that it’s “just sex” (like I tried) but we can’t separate our feelings/emotions/spirit from the act. God intended for sex to be more than a physical thing, that’s why He wants us to wait until marriage to have sex. I remember watching a sermon by Pastor Mike Todd called Sex Container and he said that every time you have sex with someone you’re pretty much marrying them without the covenant. How many people are we out here married to and don’t even realize it?? 🤔 Every time we have sex we leave with some of that person’s spirit attached to us and vice versa. Some of the battles we’re fighting aren’t even ours, it’s something we picked up from somebody we got connected to.

In this day and age it’s hard to be celibate bc society has normalized having sex and having a team. But I promise you I’ve had more peace since giving sex up and most importantly repenting for it. Does it get hard sometimes, HELL YEAH, but I remind myself of all the drama, pain, and toxicity I let go of and how I don’t wanna go back to it. Plus those first 3 months were hell it was like detoxing from a drug. In a sense sex is a drug, it can be addicting just like a drug. I can’t tell anybody how to live, but I swear becoming celibate was one of the best things I’ve done. Maybe it can help you too 😉