
Grief Over a Parent

May 30,2008 is a date I’ll never forget. I may have forgotten a lot of details from the day, but the actual date I won’t. It’s the day my mother passed away. She had been dealing with an illness for a few years, but I still wasn’t prepared for her death. I had just recently graduated high school 8 days prior to her passing. She may not have been able to walk in there, but please believe she still came and looked nice too! I’m so happy and grateful that she was able to see me give my speech and walk across the stage.

It’s been 15 years and I still get in the dumps whenever the anniversary comes around. Hell, I get sad on a regular Wednesday or something just missing her. I may need one of her wise words or something and wish I could call her. I know I wish she would have at least left me her super discernment ability because I wouldn’t have made a lot of the poor choices I made if I had possessed it. I’ll never forget she told me I needed to leave this guy I had just met the day before alone. She said he would just cheat on me and break my heart. She had never met him or talked to him, but she said that. I thought she didn’t know what she was talking about, and I be damned if she wasn’t right! I NEED those spidey senses lol.

Anywho, I made this post to let others know you NEVER get over the loss of a parent! Whether it be 15 days, 15 months, 15 years, and even longer you never stop missing them. It gets easier to handle, but the pain never completely goes away. All we can do is take it one day at a time. I love and miss you mama!!💜😇💜